People from all over Kullu, India and the world came to celebrate Swamiji’s Amaram Day with him. Swamiji began the day with the following talk, moving back and forth between English and Hindi, including all those present. After this talk, he read out his letter to the Shyam Chaytana Satsangees written for the occasion of his Amaram Day, later requesting it be posted on this website. Many musical performances of Swamiji’s poetry and poetry written in his honour were presented, and Swamiji offered satsang, meditation, prasaad and his darshan for six hours on this special day.
Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum.
Shaanti Sneh Samataa Shyam Chaytana: Peace Love Evenness or Oneness is the Consciousness which is called Shyam.
We in India know Krishna Chaytana and Shyam Chaytana are one and the same. So we are observing a special day of Amaram Shyam Madhuram Shyam. That automatically includes in its own womb Shaanti Aanand Praym Samataa. Neither somebody is big nor somebody is small, neither somebody is rich nor somebody is poor, nor somebody is a baby nor somebody is an old man. It’s Amartaa [Immortality], it’s Madhurtaa [Bliss]. It’s Shyam Aakaash or Shyam Space. ….
You have not come over here to get together only to see faces and forms and a form of a Guru, or flowers, fruit and decorations. You have come over here for the sake of the development, improvement or progress of your own thinking. Whoever has a little bigger, positive thinking mind became bigger. Some became ministers and prime ministers, some became doctors, engineers and farmers; you became everything.
But now let me know, after becoming this, what will you become after you are going to become old and weak? Neither will your mind think, nor will your eyes see, nor will your ears hear, nor will you be able to eat and digest. That will be waiting for everyone. You want to have the knowledge that you should be saved from this. Guru says: There is a way out. There is knowledge for that—provided your eyes are open. You will say, “My eyes are open and I see things, but they are all changing.”Guru means that your eye is your I and that is open: I am I. Where is your I? …
You are the sons and daughters of Knowingness. That Knowingness is Amaram. That Knowingness is Madhuram. All the things and forms are maranam, dukhanam and antam [dying, painful and ending]. They all go in the end. But what is the desire of a human being? It is a special day for you to know that—that Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum can be known. It is easy for you if I give you the information. After that, you can yourself become the Self and Absolute Self, and then become a human being, and then start eating and drinking, enjoying prasaad, songs and everything.
In the beginning I had said Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum. Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum is your introduction. Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum is my introduction. Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum is my name. Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum is your name. Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum is the name of the earth. Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum is the name of the ocean. Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum is the name of the sun and fire. Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum is the name of the wind. Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum is the name of aakaash.
Aakaash is so innocent that it doesn’t know what I am. Without Guru, even aakaash is ignorant. Then, where is Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum? Only on the level of a human being. A human being is bigger than aakaash. Why? Because a human being can know that he is prior to aakaash, but aakaash will not know that he is even a human being.
Therefore, we are sitting under the sky on the earth in between as human beings filled with that joy of Guru Consciousness, Guru Chaytana, Shyam Chaytana. That Aakaashee Chaytana has come on earth to share with you Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum.
If you close your eyes, it will take five minutes. Your world of relations is over—only for five minutes. You don’t see the world. But then you don’t see your own body also. But you are still there. That knowledge can only be given through the information or voice spoken by Guru, or Sat Guru, who says, “Look, You are.” He doesn’t say you are a body only, or you are the world, or you are a thing. You are. I am. You are. I am. I and you are abstract, but are. Now, your inner eye is open, whether you call it I or eye. …
When your I of the body has gone deep down or high highest in the space of Knowingness, that is open. Many times you say, “He is my friend, he is an open-hearted man, an open-minded man.” Open-minded will be when you will be able to know I.
Nobody says what the nature of I is. So I say here, I am Immortal, I am Blissful. That nature is the I, the Immortality. It is Unborn, therefore it is Unchanging and Undying. Everybody knows now that “I am born, my mother and father say. But I have never seen my I, that I am born. I have never seen my I, that I am dead.” Therefore, there is something wrong with the human mind, and that is ignorance of this Self, the I.
Therefore, in easy words, in the beginning I had said Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum is your nature, because the Knower Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum is listening to me, the Knower Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum is being spoken by me. Me. Me. Me. There could be millions of people: Me. Me is one. Me is the Self. It is one and the same.
I’ll be taking three minutes more and you’ll watch just Me. This Me is not cut. This Space is not burned. This Space is not melted or dissolved in water. This Space is not blown by the wind. This Space is called Guru, Existence, Greatness. Dear friends, you are that Space. …
You are this. This day has become very important for us to know, to imbibe. Since you are open, you exactly know that I am Immortal, I am Blissful. Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum. …
You are that who is the Knower, who is Knowingness. Today is a very important day. Since all of you are opened at heart, you know I am That, That I am. What is That? Pure Existence Pure. Pure Consciousness Pure. Pure Aanand Pure. Only Pure. …
What happened? You don’t have any necessity to know. You know and I know. The Knower knows and the Seer knows. That rest, that ashram, that vishram is in the space which is called Shyam ashram. This Shyam is nothing but Bhagwaan. …