Swami Shyam: All that can be conceived of by man is nothing but one
Space. When you come to know this, totally and forever, then you are having nyaas,
you are having knowledge of the satsanyaasi.
Anyone can dress up: that's on the outside, but inside, one
knows if one has brought the mind in union with the Self or not.
Sat is your true nature. But when consciousness of
the sat expresses itself in a human being in terms of 'I', it is no longer
called 'sat.' It is the appositive in nature.
The nature of sat is purity and bliss
The nature of sat, purity, is absolute bliss. But when one has
to put on a form, the form has to depend on a wave. That first wave is
consciousness and existencethey may be two names, but it is just
the same wave. The result is a human body with existence, as a body, and
with consciousness.
Even a child being built inside the womb has consciousness.
You come to know that through the movement that takes place in the stomach when
the child moves this way or that. It is not like a ball. A ball will remain forever
a ball. It will not initiate any movement because consciousness in not there
inside the ball.
A human being is supposed to have a combination of consciousness
and existence. So when consciousness and existencechaytan and jhar (the
knowing part and the to-be-known part) come together as the body from the one sat, sat appears
to have changed itself into chaytan or jhar but it is forever sat for
the sanyaasi, the one who has grown up and who has become the unity awareness
of sat.
The one who is not sanyaasi is aware of his body as
existing alone by itself.
When your body emerged from the womb of the mother, it slowly
developed the sense that, because you are alive, you will remain alive even while
no longer maintaining a connection with the source in the form of an umbilical
cord to the mother, just as the mother remains alive without maintaining a connection
with her source.
Thus a person becomes the recipient of the sense or knowledge
of the mind, intellect and ahankar (ego), the words we use for knowing
our body and other forms.
All human beings, on the level of their knowingness or antar
karan, or inner existence, are, by their nature, ignorant of and separate
from the very Source that expressed itself in the form of their body, intellect
and mind.
It is easy for a person to have yellow clothes, meant for
a sanyaasi after he has tuned into the sat, but clothes alone will
not make his intellect or mind united with the sat.
The clothes worn by a sanyaasi are a symbol that that
person must be united with the Self or sat and that sat alone is
everywhere. There is no world, no mind, no intellect, no tree, no river or no
mountain separate from the Self. It is one sat (existence), one chit (consciousness),
one aanand (bliss).
In the vision or intellect of a person who has realized this,
there is nobody who is other than the sat, there is no action which is
other than the chit, and there is no delight or experience other than
the aanand.
He holds that forever, yet when he breathes in, he knows that
it is air. He does not call it sat.
Saadhana is hearing
As long as one has not been opened to that vision, one is supposed to
be in saadhana. What is saadhana? It is just hearinghearing
as a little child hears. Saadhana is not reading, or writing or
When a child hears his mother, the knowledge and awareness
of the mother tongue takes place. How? He just hears it.
But you cannot say that the child knows the Self. It is true
that he is the Self, but his knowingness has not been unfolded and he therefore
does not have the knowledge of the Self.
When I see a forma rose flowerit is called 'rose
flower.' A fly hovering on the rose is called 'fly,' even though, in the vision
of Oneness, the rose flower and the fly are just the same sat, the same chit,
the same aanand.
The vision, the sat, is ever the same.
In sat, there is no such vision that one is rich, or
one is poor, or one is old, or one is young. That is not the vision of the sat.
If you are not sanyaasi you do not have this vision
that all are the same sat. Why? Because on the level of the forms, the
differences must take place. However equally you view it, a child will not be
able to eat as much as a man eats. The horse will not eat the food that a human
being eats. You cannot copy someone else. Thus on the relative field, we need
a relative consciousness which should be able to relate to the forms and differences.
Absolute bliss consciousness knows that sat chit aanand alone
is. When a human being's vision is united with bliss consciousness, that is sanyaasi.
If one knows that there is only one reality, then that person
is said to be sanyaasi, totally united with that Oneness. And that is
what we observe today, the first of April 2000. And it will be celebrated as
the day of gyaan (knowledge), praym (love) and bhakti (devotion)
With love, there are various categories: love between child
and mother; love between student and a teacher; and love between friend and friend.
When one reaches beyond all these three categories of love, that is where it
is aanand, and held forever.
This is possible when there is no more separation between
the drop and the ocean, or the snowflake and the ice, or the star and the sky.
When there is no sense of separation, a human being no longer has any sense of
division. He has no sense that bones, blood, eyes, ears, or 'I' are separate.
When one has no such division, he is one with the sat. That is why many
people aspire to the great joy that arises in having that sense.
it is unfoldment. No one can get that sense unless it is unfolded. No one can
become sanyaasi or gyaani unless that sense unfolds. Whatever has
not been unfolded is agyaan (ignorance). That is why a human being,
who lives all the time with his body, mind, intellect and ego, is in the state
of agyaan, the state of ignorance of his true Self. He may somehow
knows that it is there, but he is unsure and uncertain.
It is only the unfoldment of the sanyaasi consciousness,
light consciousness, aware consciousness, that one comes to know that it is all
one field of existence, consciousness and joy.
Amaram hum. Madhuram hum |