Satsang  –   Volume 9, Number 8: June 8, 2006
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You Can Change Your Destiny

… The main thing is Life, that’s all. Everything else—profession, education, responsibilities, duty, and all that—is secondary. First, you should be alive and healthy. We call it swaasth. But you have translated swaasth, health, as becoming stronger, or eating good food and everything. Swaasth means swaa-isthir—when You, the Self, the Life, are there. For understanding You, you need knowledge, and for knowledge, you need talking, you need questions, you need answers, you need all that.… But the body doesn’t want to do things. So we recommend actions. Why? Because at least the body will be exerted and the mind will be active. Then we say, “Get up early in the morning.” But some people get up at twelve o’clock or sleep the whole day. Why? They have a plea, “I feel like that.” As if your feelings are freedom. …

In professional life, everybody is wanting to do everything individually. Then people say, “Whatever you like, do that.” Nobody says what duty is. They all say, “His duty is to do this, to do that.” But du-ty is due-to-ye. You have to find out who ye is—and what is due to this ye. Ye became the body, and it is due-to-ye that you become the Self. …

So you can check, all human beings are working, but they are deteriorating in health. So why don’t you do something with which health should be happy? That is not denied. Anything you do with which you are healthy, you get the result of your doings as health. But the body does not want to exert. That is a human being. That’s why all human beings are dull. Unless they have a watch, an urgency, a calendar, unless they are required to do certain things, unless they are family members and have to do all that, they will not do anything. The body doesn’t want to do. It wants to just lie down. …

[To Bhakti Bhaavana, who is leaving for a visit to Canada soon:] You can think, “My goodness, does it mean that until I die, I have to think like this? I have to act like this? I always have to be worried about my son, my daughter, and my husband?” They were never there. I say this with firmness so that it should go to your head and heart that they were never there. Also, when your mother was there, even your own body was not there. So why can’t you be practical? … You think that you are very important on earth. You think that your husband should think about you, your son and daughter should think about you, your mother should think about you. Now why is it not that you should become so independent that without Me, there is nobody on earth? How big you became! I mean these are words—I think like this, so I say them. But it’s just possible that you can get it some time.

Hearing and hearing is the only way. Talking to each other is the only way. By worrying, it is not going to happen. By itself, it is not going to come. You have to make efforts. Otherwise you will say, “Well, I’m a girl. I’m a girl, therefore I’m worried.” You can change your destiny, you can change your karma, you can change your sickness, or anything. You just know, “I’ll not be this.” So you have to make efforts. And you have the power to make efforts. …

Life is Sarvswatantr [All Freedom]. Life is Pure Free Forever. Anytime it can make anything. So why would you have a “bossdom” on Life? Who are you? Life is Pure Free Forever. But that is what does not go to your understanding. You say, “Life is in my body, but I am not life.” That is called an undeveloped mind. Here we just sit down together. That is the arrangement. We put in something to develop. Daily, the plant of understanding is growing, it is getting taller and taller. When it will touch the sky, then the plant will know, “I have never been anything but sky.” This way, we do it. But as we are human beings and we are full of relations, that is our relative life. Without relations, perhaps you think you will die. …

You never think that Guru, your own Self, is the most important relation. The day Guru becomes the most important, you became realized—because I know that you are the same as Me. In this way, you know Me. Nobody else says this to you. Everyone else says that you are a mother—not Me; you are a wife—not Me; you are a daughter—not Me. It’s only Me who says there is no difference between you and me. “You and Me” are the words which represent the Source. In the Source, there is no I and there is no you. That is important. The moment that becomes important, then you will live with confidence. …

See. I’m on this side of the river. You are on that side of the river. In the middle, there is a current. I want to see you and meet you. You want to see me and meet me. But the current does not allow us to meet. What is that current? That which will drown—because we do not know how to swim. So what are we learning? The art of swimming. The art of crossing. This is the ocean, big and deep, which is called the sea of ignorance. And we are praying. For what? The song was sung that when you met and became one, then you came to know; when you have realized, then duality has gone. Then we say, “not me.” And you are also “not you.”

That is where a human being succeeds. Then the humility, the greatness, or the infinite power is such that it permeates everywhere. When the touch-me-not plant is there, when you put your finger towards it, it just shrinks. Do you think that the sky shrinks? Does it shrink along with the touch-me-not plant? Why would it shrink? The sky is so infinite. It does not think, “I am small, I am big.” But for a human being, the individuality—which is illusion—has become a consciousness that has trapped the human being into saying of himself, “I am an individual being and I want to meet my cosmic infinity.”

Infinity means where finite is not. And you are on the side of the finite. So you are seeking to break the barrier—that finite should not be there. If finite is not there, if infinity is there, then how would you say that in the infinite there is the finite, that in the whole there is a part?

Thus, we hear each other, understand, and we come to know that Oneness is our objective to realize, to attain. That’s all. Where are we? We are on the side of I and you. This is due to our ignorance of Oneness. So first we discuss where ignorance has crept in. The ignorance crept in the moment the same mother becomes a child. The mother is ignorant, but because she is one, so the mother cannot say that her child is someone else. The way she feels, she thinks her child should also be as happy as she is. Because it is Oneness.

So there are certain situations in which Oneness is more prominent. There are certain hearts in which the sun shines and they know the sun has come. There are certain lakes in which the sun shines and there is certain ground or sand where the sun does not shine. In this way, the knowledge, the highest awareness, is always shining—not only shining in the heart, which is the language of spiritual people—the very Self alone is. So nobody is over here other than that Pure Being.

To That I say: You are Pure Free Forever. Then, if you know Pure Free Forever, a gap will not be there, duality will not be there. Human life will remain human life, but something will happen in you that wherever you go, there will be no Canada and your relations there: that will be You. So you are not going to somebody else, but your Self—you will find only Self. Wherever you go, you’ll find your Self. … There is nobody else other than the Self. That is called infinite Awareness. That Awareness, you have to attain.


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