Close the eyes first. … [Meditation. As we emerged out of meditation,
Swamiji had us sing Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum many times.] I wish you
a very, very, very Happy New Year, 2006. [Applause.] Thanks.
Time is God. From the very beginning, he has become the Time God and
has brought himself the sky and sun, day and night, and has made the weeks,
months, and years. He has been continuing eternally as the Time God. And
this year, it is 2006—God’s Year.
My message is to you, the messengers, and, through you, to all those
who will meet you, hear you, read your writings, and listen to your words.
Time-space is one, and that Oneness is the same sense in terms of knowledge.
Only a human being, after he has developed as a child, becomes the recipient
of the very unfoldment of this sense of Oneness. He keeps that Oneness
at heart and becomes clear in his vision that Oneness alone is the Reality,
the Truth, the Love, the Light, the sense of forever Oneness. He knows
and practises the knowledge that “I am Pure, Free, Forever,” which is
unlike the knowledge of his birthright, that “I am the body, senses, mind,
intellect, ego, and soul.” It is for practical purposes that he knows
that “I am a mind, I have a body, I have a name, and I have the knowledge
of the things, forms, and worldly qualities.”
But the message is: Please, keep the clear vision and pure heart, or
pure knowledge, that Truth alone is, Love alone is, Light alone is, and
Pure Awareness is the only universal Existence, Consciousness and Bliss—Amaram
Hum Madhuram Hum, Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum. Thus, love all. Be united
with the space of compassion, kindness, togetherness, and sympathy. And
live the life of the highest, exalted Awareness, being tuned in to your
own self-effulgent Being, the Self-effulgence, the Light Pure and Free.
Amaram Hum Madhuram Hum. Here, the message is over. [Laughter
and applause.] …
[After this message, Swamiji continued to give satsang, and songs
were sung. We then moved outside to Chidaakash View for a New Year’s day
lunch, when the clouds suddenly opened, revealing a beautiful winter sun.
Many speeches were given, and satsang continued on for five hours. Here
are a few of the points that Swamiji also gave in honour of the new year.]
We should celebrate the first day of the year always, for at least the
whole year. People hope that when they wish you a happy new year, it is
for the whole year. But every single day, you have to say it; not only
say it, you have to make the person happy. …
It is 2006, and you have come to know that it is the year of Pure Consciousness.
If you say, “I am Pure, Free, Forever,” then that attention is Pure, Free,
Forever, that science is Pure, Free, Forever—not the scientist, and not
the object on which he experiments. … It is the year that has come out
of Oneness in time. You have expressed your happiness. Happiness is the
name of Oneness. Happiness is that which never can be born, so it is never
increased, nor does it grow older. Happiness never decreases, nor does
it get destroyed. So our manifestation is of Happiness. Just as we give
the example of a mirror and its light or surface, of a bulb and its light,
and of the sun and its light—which are not separate in any way, although
we use two words—in the same way we say, “Oneness and Happiness,” or “Purity
and Happiness.” Only on the level of his physical entity as a born being,
a human being is not made capable to know that he is born of Happiness,
that he is born of Oneness, that he is born of Love. He always thinks
that he is born of his mother and father, that he is born as a body and
not the Light, not the Love, not the Knowledge. So he divides. When this
divisive state gets eradicated or eliminated, then it is maximum Happiness.
That means that beyond that, there is no such thing that there could be
more happiness. …
Guru Updaysh [Teachings] is Guru. It cannot be changed. Millions
of years have passed, but whatever I have said, it will never change.
So that which is Unchanging is being expressed through the medium of changes.
We love the changes also, because without changes, the Unchanging cannot
be known. If your mind were not changing, you would not be able to know
that Unchanging exists. In order to reach that Unchanging exists and That
Thou Art, we do satsang, and satsang is the constant
talk of the Source, the Self, the Sat. Wherever you are, talk about Me,
about Sat. … The highest service is just to listen to Guru. That is service.
Service to Guru is listening to those words which he says: You, Me, are
the same—Pure, Free, Forever. Why does Guru say this? Because you have
a sense of mind that says, “I am not pure, I am bound, I am to die.” That
is why again and again he says that even if you are born as a human being,
you are the Source. And the Source is throughout. …
Where is that Space where time and space is not? Only when you close
your eyes. This is it. Here, time is not, space is not. It is Pure, Free,
Forever. So the practise is: I am Pure, Free, Forever. The result will
be that impure body will not be held in the mind; bound body will not
be held in the mind; death-ridden body will not be held in the mind. That
will be the result, which means that the mind of a human being will not
be the mind. The mind will then be transformed, or it will be lit or dissolved
in the Space. That Space is called Shyam Space. That is God Space. That
is Love Space. That is the Space of Oneness. …
My blessings to everyone, and again and again a Happy New Year to you.
The Supreme Reality has brought this time to be like this. He himself
has brought all of us to be like this. He himself has given us the knowingness
to experience this, to experience the joy of participation and sharing
with each other, of expressing ourselves, and actually thanking the same
Self, which is the Centre, which is You. …