Satsang  –   Volume 9, Number 4: February 22, 2006
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Initiate A Fresh Action: You Are Unborn

That which is to be done belongs to the body. Neither have you brought the body on earth nor will you take it with you. Since the body is made and you do not know by what, we do not pay attention on why the body is moving to Canada. Because it is not within our knowledge. …

You have to live in this world. There is no example for this except of a lotus flower in a lake. The lotus is living in water, but it is surviving—and the water does not touch it. It is born out of water, it is water, yet it remains uninvolved. So the Self is permeating the whole universe. Still, it is uninvolved. When you have this, then it will be your knowledge. …

All human beings have to work out their karmas. Old karmas are making the body and they are still there and governing you—as long as you are not having a fresh karma [action], which means fresh knowledge, that you are never born. That is fresh karma. When we say karma, we speak of the physical body. But when we have knowledge, then knowledge is the karma. Fresh karma is fresh knowledge.

Knowledge is that you have never, never become the world. Daily you sleep for eight hours, and daily you know that you have never become the world. So now it is for you to have another sixteen hours in which you should also plan that you are never in the world. Then, just as you are sleeping, so you remain awake. No matter. It doesn’t touch you in any way—although you’ll feel all that. Because your eyes will see, your ears will hear, your nose will smell, your tongue will taste, and the feeler, the mind, will feel, or the heart will love or feel. Continue doing it. Only one thing is to be added: fresh action. Initiate fresh action at any time. And it should continue. It should not be fresh now and, like a frog that is hopping, be fresh then, and fresh then, and fresh then. You just fly—and keep flying. …

Fresh action is Absolute Bliss Consciousness. But Absolute Bliss Consciousness is not an action for you. To you, it is somebody’s speech or words who made the action of saying Absolute Bliss Consciousness. And you have heard it because he threw a ball in your court. It came. But because you have never picked it up, so Absolute Bliss Consciousness is not your fresh action. To initiate fresh action means: know. Know that you are not the ball, or a body machine made of action. You are that who is Unborn. That is fresh action. That is the Knower, or knowledge.

All the time, you are the Knower. When you go to Canada and are required to be in daily situations, it’s always the Knower. It doesn’t matter what kind of life a human being is living, what kind of person he is born as, what karma or action he has, or what kind of sentient being he is born as. It’s all the Knower. That is fresh action. So “you have to perform fresh action” means “you have to continue practising.” …

You have the power to initiate this, which has not been done by birth. By birth there has been the action of the body. Knowledge never came. Even your mind, which you think is knowledge, is action. The senses, which you think are knowing, are actions. But only the Knower is the real action. So action we use for Knowingness. Why? Because you only know action, so you think it must be an action of the Knower. Even when you think, you think it is an action of thinking. When you know a thought, you think it is an action of knowing. A human being does not yet have a brain developed which should be a brain of knowledge. It is a brain of action, which we use, because action will cut the action. The very mind will liberate the mind. There are two types of knowledge: that which is muddy, dualistic, of what is born and dying, and the knowledge of what is pure, of what is not born and not dying. It is your choice. That’s all. [He laughs.]

Since in my vision you are the same as I am, in every moment I will say everything which suits you. Because already, much before you speak, I am there. Much before you are born, I am there. Much before you die, I am dead. I am always. When I am always, then it is no bondage or interruption for me when you ask that you are going to Canada and if I can comment on this. Yes, I can comment, for years together. … You think you are here—that’s why you think I’m also here. But I never think that I’m here. Otherwise, how could I do this for forty years? …

Why is it that you think you are going to Canada? Because your vision is not fairly established that world forms do not exist. Without any invitation, this dream and a dreamer appeared. In the dream, a dreamer is born as a lion, or a barking dog, or a bear. The dreamer. The dreamer is sleeping in his bed, yet he is a bear over there. What sense does it make to you? It makes no sense. … A human being is the one who is a dreamer. Now this Devindra dreamer is a dreamer. He is in my dream, so he appears to be Devindra. And I am in Devindra’s dream, so I appear to be Swamiji. Both are dream figures. Who knows this? That is where You are. Unless you know That, this world will always either annoy you and create problems or create some happiness. There you’ll be caught: that happiness should be there and unhappiness should not be there. … This is where you get liberated. Liberated you are. Why do you have to become only this form? You are liberated Being, that’s all. Just remain sky. No worries, nothing. … Nobody takes your headache from you. Suppose someone has taken it, thank God. …

Realization is sort of law-breaking. All of you have broken the law of nature, and nature will try to sneak in and bind you. Under all circumstances, every single day, you try to be out of it, and maayaa-prakriti, or nature, will just come in through this sleeve, and you will start itching.

So as long as the body is there, there is no new action. Fresh action is that where there is no body, no world. And this is possible. Because we have seen it: we were children, and there was no body, no world. Why are we not the same now? It doesn’t matter that we have a body. Why did we get something else other than the state of childhood? Even in the womb of his mother, the child was OK. He was not even having his feet on earth, he was hanging half-way. We have forgotten that, and this forgetfulness is now creating problems. So remember your own True Nature. You are free forever. It is for that purpose that the body is to be thanked. Because it is only in this human body that you are able to hear what I am saying. It is coming through this body, all that which is the meaning that I am alluding to. It is there. …

Whatever suits me, I do that. Satsang suits me. You don’t bind me in satsang, rather you welcome me. [Applause.] The world does only worldly things, and I only do that which is godly. For the world, God is nowhere. Even if God is, they encash it. So here in the laboratory, all of you have become intelligent enough that this is the high time for you to live a couple of days of your life. …

Sona: I want to make this my truth and I want to live that truth.

Swamiji: You cannot make your truth. Truth is truth’s truth. Truth has made itself truth, not you. The moment “I” came—“I want to make my truth, I want to make my world, I want to make my things”… There is no you. This is what I say. But you cannot accept it.

Sona: I want to.

Swamiji: Then you are free. That very moment, you are free. That’s all.

Sona: Then, is it my niyati [blueprint, destiny] that tries to compact it into preferences?

Swamiji: We speak of niyati to those persons who want to listen and have some comfort for a few days. To them, we say niyati. What is niyati? There is no niyati on you, no law on you. …

All of you were in the sky and came along at a time when I am here just to get that awareness and knowledge. … So whatever is—Absolute Bliss Consciousness—you enjoy. No worry in the head. … Do anything in the world, but realize. We have examples. When I talk, that becomes an example, because we grow through words—may they be stories, or teachings, or words that you listen to. Realization must come to you, which is a totally different thing. … So unless the mind is purified, realization will not come. Purification of the mind is our practice. We are doing it. Whoever will be successful in purifying the mind will get Realization. The moment Realization comes, it is all Bliss. It is like white clothes without a spot.

That’s what we do. We take assistance of each other at a time when we are in it. You have seen that if somebody’s hand is under a rock, he can pull it out, but it will be cut and even finished. At that time, we have to suffer and ask someone, “Please, do come and lift it.” At that time, you don’t think that “I’ll become dependent.” There’s no such thing for you as dependence. You alone are, you have to know.

Before you came in this world, the world was not binding you. So the world character is not binding. Then, if you came on earth, don’t start blaming the world, and don’t condemn your fate. Just listen to Guruji that this human incarnation is enough for you to conduct meditation, a fresh action, a new action. Repeat it, practise it, and realize. All that people say is for them, or for somebody else. If it suits you for the unfoldment of realization, be there. Otherwise, not. …

Whenever the boat is sinking, get out of it with your lifeboat. Realization is your lifeboat. You are swimming, you are free. … When you have realized Pure Free Forever, there is no such thing as the world will ever annoy you. Never. …

Human minds in the waking state are incapable of knowing each other, yet we have to serve the purpose of knowing, of acting as a knower, and say, “I know you and you know me. I help you and you help me.” This is life. As long as breath is there, we continue doing it. But during this period, if you have heard me and you came to know, then—I have no words for that, but I can make it up. …


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