If you hear me saying the world is causeless, or a human being and humanity are causeless, you won’t understand. Then what is to be done? That which can be brought so understanding can take place should be brought first; then it will be called “unfoldment.” If unfoldment is not there in a human being, he will not understand. But unfoldment of what? He is not a paper that rolls down and then he is unfolded. When we talk to human beings, we know they were born small children, who had no power to understand. But when they grew big, they began to understand what their mother, father, house, pets, and exhibits were and what the lawn, trees, and ground were. They knew how to play by sitting, picking up grass, taking it out and putting it in mud and mud in grass—all this a little child does. What happened to him that he began to do this? When he was being led in a perambulator, there were only his head and eyes and nothing else.
Akaran (Causeless) Explained